Let's learn the uppercase letters A to Z at Christmastime! Study the shape of each letter, adorned with an adorable gingerbread cookie. Then trace the letter five times.
Study all the letters at once by playing Alphabet BINGO with the six included cards. You'll need to supply your own bingo markers.
Extension Ideas
- Starting in late November, use the Alphabet Tracing Pages one per day to make a countdown banner to Christmas Day.
- Or layer them like a page-a-day calendar and use them as a countdown to Christmas Eve. When you get to Z, it's time for Santa!
Usage Tips
- To make the bingo cards more durable, Milestone Mom suggests printing on cardstock and/or laminating them.
- If you don't want the hassle of bingo markers, put the cards in page protectors and use dry erase markers to indicate what's been called on your board.
What's Included in the Gingerbread Letter Tracing & Bingo
- 26 gingerbread-themed letter tracing pages A to Z
- 8 adorable bingo cards
- 1 sheet of 26 calling cards (A to Z)